1. Tell us a little bit about yourself!
My name's Kate, I'm 18, I have a car named Ruby. I love to shop and party and make Ellie uncomfortable in social situations. She's too easy to tease.
2. How did you and Ellie become friends?
Okay, there's some debate on this. We were in kindergarten and she had toy pony she brought that I was playing with. She totally threw a tantrum and is to this day convinced I tried to steal it. In time-out, we realized we were soul mates.
3. What do you think of Will?
Stone-cold-fox. Kind of socially retarded, but he's a good guy. It's easy to see how much he cares about Ellie. I'm also convinced he's not her econ tutor. He's too hot to be a tutor.
4. If you could be anywhere with anyone right now, where and who?
At a posh night club with Marilyn Monroe. She's my idol.
5. If you were to find out something like, say, your best friend is really spending her nights killing beasties, what would you think?
I'd think you were on drugs.
Thanks for stopping by, Kate! Be sure to pick up Angelfire!
Happy Reading!
-Harmony B.