1. Tell us a little bit about yourself! Where should I start? First, I should tell you that C.C. Hunter is a pseudonym. My real name is Christie Craig, which is where the “C.C.” comes in. In addition to my Shadow Falls series, I write freelance and book-length non-fiction as Christie Craig. I also write humorous romantic suspense novels under my real name. I’m married, have two kids, and live with my hubby, four rescue kitties, a puppy who sometimes thinks my furniture tastes better than his kibble, a rabbit named Floppy Skivvies whom the cats think is just a funny-looking feline. Of course, there is also a wild assortment of outdoor critters, like raccoons, opossums and the occasional turtle. Now, that may sound like a lot of crazy, but you know, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
2. If you could live with three YA characters, who would they be? Hmm. Okay, this is a tough one. I don’t know if I’d really want to live with them, because that sounds like it would last forever and I’d miss everybody—and one of my rescue cats would really miss me—but I’d like to spend a week with the following:
First, I’d choose Mia from The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot. I mean, what’s not to love about Mia and her life? Sure, she’s got all the problems a typical teenager has but she’s also a princess. How totally cool is that? And I really think I could get into living like a princess, for a week or so. Maybe even a little longer.
Next, I’d probably choose Bella from the Twilight series. Now, honestly, I did love the books, but Jacob . . . okay, Jacob was one smokin’ hot werewolf. I’d like to spend a week with Bella so I could ask her what the heck she was thinking when she chose Edward over Jacob. LOL.
And finally, I’d go with Wilbur and Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Yeah, I know it’s not technically a YA but it’s one of my all-time favorite books, and I loved those characters. And in a crazy way, seeing all these different species learn to love each other, reminds me of Shadow Falls.
3. Which character in Born At Midnight do you think is more like you? Least? Oh, wow. These questions are brutal! You’re really making me think! LOL. Okay, the truth is there is a little bit of me inside all of my characters. For example, let’s look at Della, who’s a vampire and Kylie’s roommate. Della is moody and quick to anger, and sometimes I can be that way. (Lucky for my hubby, it’s a rare occasion. LOL.) And then there’s Miranda, who is Kylie’s other roommate and a dyslexic witch who can’t cast her spells right. I don’t know anything about spell-casting but I definitely know about dyslexia and the hurdles it can toss in your path. I’m dyslexic, as well as my son, and we struggle with it every day. But if I had to choose the character that is most like me, I’d probably go with Kylie. I gave her some of the same issues I dealt with when I was a teenager, like fitting in—I always felt a little different from everyone else, like I really didn’t belong.
Also, my parents got a divorce when I was sixteen. Man, did that ever feel like someone yanked away the foundation of my world. And when I was fifteen, I was dumped by a boy who wanted things I wasn’t willing to give him. Now, as for the character who is least like me . . . hmm. I’d probably go with Burnett. He’s a total alpha male and a vampire, and I’m neither one. Burnett, like Holiday, has a lot of secrets he’s not sharing with me yet so I’m still getting to know him.
4. Anything else you’d like to add? I’d like to thank you for having me here at Harmony’s Radiant Reads. Then I’d like to add two more things for your readers, if I could. First, make sure you snag my free short story, Turned at Dark. It’s Della’s story and it introduces the Shadow Falls series. You can read the first three chapters of Born at Midnight, too. All you have to do is visit my Born at Midnight page at Macmillan on March 15th – Born at Midnight Page. Or you can download a free eBook copy of Turned at Dark at all major online retailers. The download also has the first three chapters of Born at Midnight on there as well.
And second, to celebrate the release of Born at Midnight, I’m running a “Tweet my Book and Win a Kindle Contest” from March 22th through March 29th. The grand prize will be the Kindle but I’m also giving away copies of Born at Midnight, some Shadow Falls swag and ARCs of Awake at Dawn, which is scheduled to release in October. All the details will be at my blog beginning March 22nd – Blog. So, please drop by and help me tweet my book and you could win a Kindle! Also, (and I know that makes it three things, my bad math is showing again) check out my website, www.cchunterbooks.com on March 29th for special content: two extra scenes, one from Lucas and one from Derek.
And there you go guys! Be sure to check out Born At Midnight, out today. My review will be up tomorrow.
Happy Reading! -Harmony