
Read A Thon Time !


I've only done one in my lifetime and it ended up as a disaster so i'm trying again this year!

I'm not actually entering the read a thon (but if you want to: LINK) because I am lazy and won't even bothering doing any of the mini-challenges or anything. Just a weekend of reading (and then Logan Lerman at night because i'm watching the Three Musketeers tomorrow night and guys. I love Logan Lerman).

All the information is at the link because i'm doing this infinitely different but I just wanted a post to keep track of my progress and all that. So really...you guys aren't going to care. Haha!

FIRST: the Dewey Read A Thon is only a day long. But it's the biggest Read A Thon that exists and apparently the mini-challenges are amazing and SO many people do it so you'll get a lot of support!


1. The Death Catchers by Jennifer Ann Kogler - i KEEP saying i'm going to read it and then something awesome comes along but no more waiting!

2. Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey - a september book I haven't gotten too yet

3. The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle - another september book I haven't started yet.

4. The Shattering by Karen Healey - very excited for this one!

5. Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa - a book i'm SO EXCITED FOR AHHH.

6. Incarnate by Jodi Meadows - because i told Julie I wanted sexy and awesome and she told me this.

7. Variant by Robison Wells - an october book i haven't gotten too yet.

8. Bunheads by Sophie Flack - same as above.

9. How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr - same

10. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater - guess what? ...same.

11. Liesl & Po by Lauren Oliver - i've been trying to read more middle grade-ish novels. Apothecary was kind of middle grade so i'm giving this one a shot! Plus, LAUREN OLIVER.

12. Sweetly by Jackson Pearce - book i've been meaning to read!

13. Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs - loved her Oh My Goddess books!

14. The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima - HIGH FANTASY FTW.

15. You Are My Only by Beth Kephart - Pam loved this, so i'm excited!

16. Forever by Maggie Stiefvater - finally got it back from letting a friend borrow it...i am prepared. kinda. sorta. not really.

You guys are probably like: HARMONY THAT IS A LOT. And yeah, i'm an overachiever. But I read quite quickly, about 2-3 for a book of 400 pages so i'm not too worried! And besides, better to aim high than low! Alright, my inspirational speech is done for the day.

Happy Reading!


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