What: The Liar Society Where: Sourcebooks Fire
When: March 1st, 2011
Why: Hype
How: Contest
Kate Lowry didn't think dead best friends could send e-mails. But when she gets an e-mail from Grace, she’s not so sure. Kate, I'm here… sort of. Find Cameron. He knows. I shouldn't be writing. Don't tell. They'll hurt you. Now Kate has no choice but to prove once and for all that Grace’s death was more than just a tragic accident. But secrets haunt the halls of her elite private school. Secrets people will do anything to protect. Even if it means getting rid of the girl trying to solve a murder...
The Liar Society was fun, quirky, and a wild ride with heroine Kate Lowry trying to find out what exactly happened to her best friend, Grace, before she died.
The Liar Society was everything I expected it to be and more. It was cute and at the same time, had me flipping through pages until I finally reached the end. Kate's Nancy-Drew-esque missions to find out what happened to Grace the night of the fire that lit up the chapel of her posh private school, Pemberly Brown. Everyone who I had a sneaking suspicion on turned out to be guilty and i'm sure I had a lot more fun trying to uncover everyone's secrets than Kate did!
I think my favorite thing about Kate was her sense of loyalty to Grace, even if she was dead. She was determined and dead set on finding out how and why she died, and didn't let anything (including her own feelings) get in the way of that. She wanted answers, and she went for it. Even if it included going into creepy places and getting mixed up in secret societies. Besides, she didn't let her pride or anything get in the way of asking for help. Plus, she had spunk, which I enjoyed. Besides, pink hair? Girls got guts.
Said help? Came in the form of a sexy Liam and adorable Seth. Liam was a bad boy in a way that he wasn't a total jerk, which was a refreshing change to all these other bad boys going around in YA that make me want to throw something at them. He was just a nice guy with a bad reputation, and was willing to help Kate with anything she needed. Seth reminded me of that annoying little brother you can't seem to live without, so that was cute. I also loved how oblivious he was to the bullying. He just let it breeze by, so kudos for him. As for the ending, I was glad they didn't just tie it up in a pretty bow.
Happy Reading!