What: Supernaturally (Paranormalcy #2)
Where: Harperteen
When: July 26th, 2011
Why: Series Love
How: For Review
Evie finally has the normal life she’s always longed
for. But she’s shocked to discover that being ordinary can be . . . kind of
boring. Just when Evie starts to long for her days at the International
Paranormal Containment Agency, she’s given a chance to work for them again.
Desperate for a break from all the normalcy, she agrees.
But as one
disastrous mission leads to another, Evie starts to wonder if she made the right
choice. And when Evie’s faerie ex-boyfriend Reth appears with devastating
revelations about her past, she discovers that there’s a battle brewing between
the faerie courts that could throw the whole supernatural world into chaos. The
prize in question? Evie herself.
So much for normal.
A great sequel to the equally amazing Paranormalcy! It was funny, charming, and absolutely amazing!
Supernaturally starts around where Paranormalcy ends, and Evie is back and witty as ever! I can always count on Kiersten to give me funny but deep writing and she hasn't let me down! Evie's journey to not only discovering herself but how exactly she fits into the IPCA and the, well world, is taken to all new heights with a new cast as well as some old favorites!
Evie, of course, is a girl who should be my best friend. She's smart and funny and always seems to know what to say, even though on the inside she's freaking out. Her life is crumbling and she was no idea how to control when all she wants to be happy and safe! I loved Evie's personal point of view and it really adds to the story in a way that Third Person couldn't have! Jack, a new character who reminds me of an 8 year old on candy crack, was someone who I totally didn't expect I'd end up liking. He was sweet and ALL of his plot twists, I never saw coming! And you know me, I love a good surprise!
Finally, Lend. Oh how I swoon over Lend! Of course, the relationships does hit some bumpy roads, especially since Evie is such a headstrong individual but I just love how easygoing their relationship is while still having that tension that makes it enjoyable to read and not fluff. Lend is sweet and caring and just the right amount of awesome. Plus, I love how hard he tries (and so does Evie) to make everything work out, despite the complications along the road.
Happy Reading!