Hey guys! So I actually have another post for you guys and it has to do with Lisa Desrochers, who you know is one of the coolest people in the world.
So, her last book in the Personal Demons trilogy (Personal Demons and Original Sin being the first two) used to be called Hellbent but for various reasons had to be changed. And the new title is:

I absolutely love it! And we have Andrea Cremer to thank since she came up with it! And then we've got an amazing tag line:
"What happens when you can't outrun Hell...or trust the ones you love?"
And now I officially can't wait to read it!
Lisa decided to be even more amazing and offer up a copy of Original Sin to give away!
- contest ends August 7th
- you have to be 13 or older to enter
- open for US/Canada
- fill out the form below to enter