
Author Interview: Sarah Beth Durst

Hey guys! So recently I've been on a bit of a semi-hiatus because I had to start getting used to...you know, life coming back. I'm in my third week of school and not only that, but I started my internship at Spencer Hill Press this week if you didn't see the news! But now I'm back and going to be posting regularly :)

And today! I have an interview with the lovely, awesome Sarah Beth Durst. Her next novel, Vessel, is coming out this month and I just love her other book, Drink Slay Love!

In a desert world of sandstorms and sand-wolves, a teen girl must defy the gods to save her tribe in this mystical, atmospheric tale from the author of Drink, Slay, Love. Liyana has trained her entire life to be the vessel of a goddess. The goddess will inhabit Liyana’s body and use magic to bring rain to the desert. But Liyana’s goddess never comes. Abandoned by her angry tribe, Liyana expects to die in the desert. Until a boy walks out of the dust in search of her.
Korbyn is a god inside his vessel, and a trickster god at that. He tells Liyana that five other gods are missing, and they set off across the desert in search of the other vessels. For the desert tribes cannot survive without the magic of their gods. But the journey is dangerous, even with a god’s help. And not everyone is willing to believe the trickster god’s tale.
The closer she grows to Korbyn, the less Liyana wants to disappear to make way for her goddess. But she has no choice: She must die for her tribe to live. Unless a trickster god can help her to trick fate—or a human girl can muster some magic of her own.

1) If you could live with three YA characters (not your own) in a house, who would they be?
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling (because a talented witch friend could be useful)
Daine from Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce (because she can talk with animals)
Silk from the Belgariad by David Eddings (because he'd make me laugh)

2) Which character is most like you in any of your novels? Least?
Gillian (the best friend from INTO THE WILD) or Bethany (the friend from DRINK, SLAY, LOVE).  Like them, I tend to be relentlessly optimistic.  Faced with evidence of magic in the world, I think my reaction would be, "Wow!  Cool!"  Unlike them, I'd probably promptly be eaten by wolves or vampires.

Least like me... I think I'd have to choose Pearl from DRINK, SLAY, LOVE.  She's fearless.  She's evil.  And she drinks blood.

3) What’s your favorite Disney Movie?
Beauty and the Beast.  I love that library!  Plus, the dining room scene always makes me want to go to France and eat copious amounts of dessert.

4) You always invent these amazing worlds in your books -- from Enchanted Ivy's secret realm to Drink, Slay, Love's vampire lore and now a full-out high fantasy! How do you go about thinking up these worlds?
I like to start with the real world and then inject magic into it.  To create the desert land in VESSEL, I researched various deserts (the Sahara, the Gobi, a few deserts in the southwestern part of the United States), and then I set about dreaming up ways to make a desert as awesome as I could imagine it.  Seriously, that's the litmus test I ask myself as I write, "Is it awesome enough?"  I try hard to maximize awesomeness as I write.  :)

The world of VESSEL includes wolves made out of sand that hunt within storms, sky serpents made of unbreakable glass, monstrous worms, gods and goddess that inhabit human bodies, a young emperor, a trickster god, and a girl destined to sacrifice herself...  I had such a fantastic time writing this book!

And that's it! Thank you for coming to my blog Sarah and I'll see you guys tomorrow with a review!
Happy Reading!


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