Wednesday started with pretty much the name shenanigans! Met up with Shana and Laura and off we went! We went directly to the Ally Condie line since we knew it was going to be crazy! And then we went over to the Jocelyn Davies and Jennifer Castle signing and they were both super nice!
Then I separated from Shana (it didn't start out well, I was totally lost without her) but I finally found Julie Kagawa's signing for Iron Queen! I was standing there, minding my ow
n business, when I hear an extremely familiar voice in front of me...

And then I went: HOLY CRAP. It's Nicole.
So I turned around and was like OMG NIKKI. And she recognized me and ah, I was so excited to meet her! I ended up spending the rest of the day with her. We went to the Harlequin Signing and that's where I finally found Alex and Erika in line! We found Shana and went to go eat lunch and then ended up wandering until it was time to go home!
Thursday was the least busy day, so we all got there and went straight to the Maureen Johnson signing. This line was totally insane and people were going crazy! I was the last person to get a copy of the book! I met Susan from Wastepaper Prose, and Lydsey from Narratively Speaking (who has the best English accent ever!) Then I went over to the Lisa Magnum signing and found
Katie from Katie's Book Blog so we went to go eat lunch with Laura and Shana after hitting up some random signings we found!
After that, we wandered until it was time for the Book Blogger Reception! I went downstairs and ran into April from Good Books and Good Wine (who is super funny and sweet!). We talked until she had to leave for the Scholastic party (which, sadly, my parents had a previous engagement and I couldn't attend). Then I chilled with Darla until my parents came to pick me up.
Finally, Friday was the Book Blogger Con. I got there early to eat breakfast with Katie and Lauren from 365 Days of Reading (both of whom I ended up spending the whole day with.) We went to the Ask A Publicist Panel. It was really fun and I knew a lot of the publicist so that was awesome! The Q&A portion was actually pretty cringe-worthy since it was mostly some bloggers complaining about not getting enough books but some people asked some good questions!
Then we went to go eat lunch where I met Emily from Emily's Reading Room and off to the Author Speed Dating!
I was a bit nervous about it because I didn't want to meet a bunch of Adult Authors I wouldn't be able to recognize, but they divided the room! We had a small table, but we had Tirzah from The Compulsive Reader, Katie, Lauren, Erica from The Book Cellar, and Danielle! All the authors were funny and awesome and we ended up just...talking about our favorite books and trends and all that. Plus, we meet Elizabeth Scott! She was so sweet.
After that was the technology panel which I saw with Jamie from Broke and Bookish! After that, my parents came to pick me up to go to the airport so I said my final goodbyes to everyone and went home!
And that was my completely amazing BEA experience!
Happy Reading!