Total insanity. So I got to New York around 2:30PM and here came the question: go straight to Teen Author Carnival which was about an hour away? Or stop by the apartment. We stopped by the apartment. BAD IDEA. So we dropped off our things and off we went to the Mulberry Library! And then we got lost.
And then we got really lost.

And then I flagged a UPS guy to give us direction and we finally found it! Once I was there, I saw awesome people like Andye and Michelle and Jeremy (and Karsten Knight, who recognized me!) but mostly, I went back and forth between panels because I wanted to see all of them! Also, I finally met Mitali, who is super nice and awesome. All the authors were funny and smart and all of their books sounded like a dream.
But then it started to get late and I had been up for long time so I got my goody bag, said my goodbyes, and went back to the apartment.
So I woke up incredibly early to get to the Javits, since flagging down a taxi is almost impossible in the Lower East Side. Once I got there though, I had absolutely no idea what to do. The registration didn't open unto eight and I was just kinda looking around like a dumbo until Laura found me! She introduced herself and recognized me and it was all super awesome. She introduced me to Shana Silver (who is a total sweetheart and ORGANIZED) and Janet Guntler. They took me under their wing and we waited for the floor to open.
Then we went everywhere because Tuesday was the busiest signing day ever! The ones that I remember the most were Tahereh Mafi's signing for Shatter Me (because her line was INSANE and I got to meet my contact over there), Claudia Gray's, Lisa Desrochers', and Kiki Hamilton's. I chilled with Kody Keplinger and met Emilia Plater (who is funny and amazing and you should follow her blog) before heading off to Richelle Mead's line!
Which of course, was absolute chaos. I was third in line, BUT the publicist next to me kept threatening the middle that they needed to get in a single file line or she'd call security. It was crazy!
And then, I went home to collapse from exhaustion.
Total insanity. So I got to New York around 2:30PM and here came the question: go straight to Teen Author Carnival which was about an hour away? Or stop by the apartment. We stopped by the apartment. BAD IDEA. So we dropped off our things and off we went to the Mulberry Library! And then we got lost.
And then we got really lost.
And then I flagged a UPS guy to give us direction and we finally found it! Once I was there, I saw awesome people like Andye and Michelle and Jeremy (and Karsten Knight, who recognized me!) but mostly, I went back and forth between panels because I wanted to see all of them! Also, I finally met Mitali, who is super nice and awesome. All the authors were funny and smart and all of their books sounded like a dream.
But then it started to get late and I had been up for long time so I got my goody bag, said my goodbyes, and went back to the apartment.
Once it did, we went to the Scholastic booth since one of the publicists had tweeted a picture of the Scorpio Races display and also Forever! 
The thing about the Javits is, it's absolutely amazing to just wander. We didn't have anything pending for about another hour, so we ended up just walking around and meeting people. We passed by Hyperion and everyone was super sweet (and I got these awesome playing cards that have books on them!)
Then we went everywhere because Tuesday was the busiest signing day ever! The ones that I remember the most were Tahereh Mafi's signing for Shatter Me (because her line was INSANE and I got to meet my contact over there), Claudia Gray's, Lisa Desrochers', and Kiki Hamilton's. I chilled with Kody Keplinger and met Emilia Plater (who is funny and amazing and you should follow her blog) before heading off to Richelle Mead's line!
Which of course, was absolute chaos. I was third in line, BUT the publicist next to me kept threatening the middle that they needed to get in a single file line or she'd call security. It was crazy!
After her signing, I grabbed a copy of All These Things I've Done from Macmillan (which included meeting my publicist over there, who was also at the Publicist Panel during BBC and is amazing!)
And then, I went home to collapse from exhaustion.
Part Two tomorrow!