So here it is, for your viewing pleasure, the ORIGINAL SIN cover! Complete with intense starting and BLUE!

Interview with Luc
Interview with Frannie
Interview with Gabe
And now, what I know you've all been waiting for, the CONTEST for the first ARC of Original Sin! It's....not on here! Muahaha! BUT you did have to look at this post to enter, so keep reading. Here's the link to Lisa's contest, where you'll need to tell her WHAT blog you saw it on (that's me!) and the tagline on the bottom of the title on the cover! She needs proof people!
ALSO, if you comment on this post, you get 1 extra entry! There's nine of us in all, so if you comment on all the blogs that Lisa has up on the post, you get 9 extra entries! More information is up on her blog, guys!
EEP about Original Sin and Happy Reading!
-Harmony B.