Hey guys! It's that time of year again! 2010 is coming to a close and today, i'm showing you my Top Ten Favorite Debuts of 2010!
*They're not in any actual order, because that would be way too hard.
*They're not in any actual order, because that would be way too hard.
I picked this book up to read a few pages, you know, get a taste of how this was gonna go down. Three hours later, I was finished without realizing I had just spent all that time on the B&N carpet in front of the YA shelves. The DUFF is funny and heart-breaking, and most of all, real. Because everyone feels like the ugly duckling from time to time, and i'm glad Bianca found out that she was special. Plus Welsey Rush? HOT.
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Evie from Paranormalcy and Sophie from Hex Hall should be best friends. Seriously! Evie is funny, witty, and insanely curious about anything normal teenagers do. Kiersten wrote a new and refreshing take on paranormal creatures, instead of making them hot and sparkly, creatures that agencies need to contain once they get out of hand. Plus? The dress she's wearing is extremely pretty. And Lind? If you saw my review, most IMPERFECT PERFECT boy ever!
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

Rachel Hawkins? Is hysterical. I've never read such a funny protaganist in my life! Sophie is witty, clever, and always ready with a quick retort that makes me giggle (and my parents ask why i'm laughing to myself in the back of the car on the way to Tennessee while reading Demonglass...) Boarding school for witches may sound overrated, but you'll seriously regret not reading this, I can assure you that! Plus, you'll definitely be surprised by a lot of plot twists that end up happening in the book!

Rachel Hawkins? Is hysterical. I've never read such a funny protaganist in my life! Sophie is witty, clever, and always ready with a quick retort that makes me giggle (and my parents ask why i'm laughing to myself in the back of the car on the way to Tennessee while reading Demonglass...) Boarding school for witches may sound overrated, but you'll seriously regret not reading this, I can assure you that! Plus, you'll definitely be surprised by a lot of plot twists that end up happening in the book!
I stayed up until 6 in the morning reading this the moment I got it. Must I say more? From the amazing world-building (I mean, draki? Sound awesome) to the steamy romance, Firelight is catch your attention and keep it until you're turning the last page.
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken

High Fantasy FTW. Absolutely love just everything about this book, from the characters to the writing to the ending! And even though I like where North and Sid stand in the end, i'm dying for a sequel! If you're looking something new and amazing, definitely check this one out.

High Fantasy FTW. Absolutely love just everything about this book, from the characters to the writing to the ending! And even though I like where North and Sid stand in the end, i'm dying for a sequel! If you're looking something new and amazing, definitely check this one out.
I bought this book for the last line in the pitch on the back. On that whim, I bought it, read it, and loved it. Julie weaves Megan's real life into her new fey life, and embarks her on this journey through the Never-never in seach of her kid brother. All the characters are well-rounded and loveable! Grim, who is pretty much the best cat ever, Puck, always ready with a sarcastic retort, and Winter Prince Ash (insert swoon here) cold and icy but sweet and loving. The sequel Iron Daughter is already out and fantastic, and Iron Queen (heart-breaking) is coming out in Feburary. Both won't disappoint!
Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves

Wow, this one is gonna be hard to explain. I'm sure if you've read it, it's a hit or miss. Either you love it, or you're wondering what in the world was she thinking. I absolutely loved it, from the beautiful writing to the well-rounded and slightly disturbing (but equally entertaining) characters. Plus, the romance was sweet, and Portero, while somewhere I never want to live, was chilling and creepy.

Wow, this one is gonna be hard to explain. I'm sure if you've read it, it's a hit or miss. Either you love it, or you're wondering what in the world was she thinking. I absolutely loved it, from the beautiful writing to the well-rounded and slightly disturbing (but equally entertaining) characters. Plus, the romance was sweet, and Portero, while somewhere I never want to live, was chilling and creepy.
Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers
There's a reason i'm Team Captain and fangirling about this all the time, people! Personal Demons was a new and awesome retelling of that original good vs. evil, hell vs. heaven but with a lot more at stake. Plus, Luc is hot and a big 'ole softy at the same time.
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel

Remember this review? The book that I just could not get into the first 40 pages in so I put down for a while? Then I picked it up again and after that, I was hooked. Rebecca has a beautiful way of writing, and I loved listening to Lena's flashbacks in the past, and her new way of thinking now. Lena is smart and strong, plus Rhode? Though you don't get a lot from one besides the first few pages and flashbacks? *swoon* We get more of him in Stolen Nights apparently so i'm happy!
Sea by Heidi R. Kling
The first contemporary I honestly ever read and loved. Sea was emotional, funny, and heart-breaking, especially towards the end. Heidi made me fall in love with a genre I had hated beforehand and now I love contemporary! Sienna (Sea) was a great character who made good decisions, including one that however much I hate it, I must admit it was the sensible and right one to do.
Happy Reading!
-Harmony B.