
Food For Thought: Curiosity Killed The Retelling (9)

So today I have a question for the peeps that read classics AND retellings.

QUESTION: does reading a retelling of a book when you already know the whole thing hinder your enjoyment of the book?

this is me swooning at For Darkness Shows The Stars, BTW.

Now, I'm not one of those types of people. This is inspired by Julie (I don't feel the need to introduce her because come on guys, really?) and I talking about how I was OBSESSED with the romance in For Darkness Shows The Stars while she was a lot more invested in the world-building because she already knew how the romance went. And then I got to thinking: If I had known how Persuasion ended (guys, I knew nothing about Persuasion going into that book, except that it was written by Jane Austen), would I have been less invested?

Most books I read that are based on classics I come into fresh and not expecting anything. I went into Pride and Prejudice retellings such as Epic Fail knowing the basic plot idea but since I hadn't seen any movies or read the book, I didn't know about any of the little things. I go into Shakespeare retellings knowing the end result but not the journey.

But then I think about how I know the ending to all fairy tale retellings and I still enjoy them. I went through Fateful, a book about werewolves and love and amazingness on the TITANIC, and I still loved every second of it.

So now I turn to you guys to answer my question and sate my curiosity!
Happy Reading!


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